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BASICS: Jamahl has been trained in different types of magic, but is most well-versed in restoration. His magic depends a lot on spiritual energy and as such he is only partially dependent on his own magical ressource. Using a spell that costs too much energy is potentially lethal to him or will at the very least tire him out. ABJURATION: Jamahl is able to enhance the defence of himself and other people, whether this is through an actual barrier or making the person themselves more resistant to injury. The more damage is sustained, the faster the spell wears off or simply shatters. CURSE NEGATION: To an extend, Jamahl is able to negate negative energy and curses, effectively nullufying them. Removing a curse requires him to know the nature of the curse placed, if not the exact words, but he also needs to be at leas as powerful, and preferably even more so, than the person who cast it. RESTORATION: Jamahl is able to restore things and people to their original state. With inanimate objects he can return them to their optimal condition, but as living beings are more complicated he can only repair recent damage. Say, if someone was born with a defect he would be unable to change it, as he can only heal damage that has been caused. SPELLCASTING: While he is most potent as a healer, Jamahl is also able to cast other spells. Being able to do so doesn't mean that he does it, though, and he often avoids it. He especially forgoes using destructive spells if he can. |
COMBAT: Jamahl might be proficient in magic, but he was trained in physical combat as well. He is something of a powerhouse and very capable of using his physical strength against an oponent. LANGUAGES: Jamahl speaks a handful of languages, although he is far from fluent in all of them and hardly literat in anything but Common and Orcish. He does know a few dialects of Common as he has travelled a lot. Due to a lot of spells originating from some ancient variant of Elvish, Jamahl has learned as much as he felt was useful of that as well. NAVIGATION: Jamahl grew up in the desert, a place with precious few landmarks, so he has learned how to navigate by using celestial bodies - such as the position of the stars at night or the sun during the day. He is quite proficient at finding his way in foreign teritory because of this, as he relies very little on his sorroundings. RESISTANCE TO POISONS AND DISEASE: More of a trait, as he was born with it. Thanks to his orcish heritage, Jamahl has a high resistance when it comes to poisons and disease. He is by no means immune to either, but it takes a higher dose of most poisons to affect him and he often only gets mild symptoms or escapes being infected in the first place when it comes to common diseases. WEAPON HANDLING: As well as physical combat, Jamahl was trained by his mother to be able to handle a few different weapons. He took to staffs and spears, mostly, favouring their lightness and speed over heavier weapons. He carries a knobkerrie with him, easily mistaken for a staff or a walking stick. |